viernes, 1 de abril de 2022

Mobility of Elche April 1st

 To start the morning, a ghymkhana was held on the circular economy in digital format. It consisted of a sucession of self-guided and consecutive tests in which you had to red texts or watch videos to be able to carry out the tasks that were requested:  answer some questionnaires, make a comparative table on the differences between the circular economy and the linear economy, link the circular economy with the reduction. Afterwards, the students answered a questionnaire about the cooperative work carried out throughout the week. Finally, the national groups have reflected on their stay in Elche. The morning has ended with the delivery of the certificates of participations. The final touch has been provided by the national groups dances and the Finnish girl Elisa, singing in Spanish a beautiful song called Dos oruguitas (Two caterpillars) 💙💚💛💜😍 

of environmental impatcs, make a wall-sized word cloud with the key terms learned in the activity.

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