jueves, 31 de marzo de 2022

Mobility of Elche March 31th

 Today we have visited the Mar Menor. The Mar Menor is a saltwater lagoon in the Mediterranean sea located in the Region of Murcia, southeast of Spain. It is the largest Spanish lagoon, having environmental values that make it have numerous protection figures, included in the Ramstad list. Its special charactetistics make it a tourist destination of great importance. In the autumn of 2019 and summer of 2021, tons of dead fish appeared on the shores of the Mar Menor, due to episodes of anoxia associated with the deterioration of the ecological status of the lagoon, which is seriously affected by a process of eutrophication. The current situation of the lagoon  is due to three reasons: urban overexploitation, discharges of chemical substances from agriculture and the dragging of mining waste. It is up to us to remedy this unfortunate situation.

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