miércoles, 19 de mayo de 2021

Meeting: How to fight overpackaging

 wednesday, May 12th, we had the first meeting to make a poster about how we can fight the overpackaging. The students meet each other and organize the tasks and define the deadline of each task. Some students had problems to connect but they make a whatsapp group to comunicate and decide to work on drive to share the information.



lunes, 10 de mayo de 2021

Learning to learn Paula Gómez


Learning to learn María Molina


Learning to learn María Guillén


Learning to learn Irene Carmona

Learning to learn Bruno León


Learning to learn Alejandro Gracia


Learning to learn Marta Valverde


Learning to learn Clara Pérez


Learning to learn Carmen Esclapez


Learning to learn Gadea Bustillo


Eco-life Paula Blasco


domingo, 9 de mayo de 2021

Learning to learn Ana Torres


Learning to learn Lucía Lidón


Eco-life Judith Ferrández


Learning to learn Carla Candela


Learning to learn Marina


Learning to learn Denisa


Learning to learn Lucía Macià

Eco-life Valeria


Learning to learn Lucía Gomariz


Learning lo learn Hannah


Learning to learn Lucía Briñas

Learning to learn Abraham Cortés